The Storms Will Get Us
While we take bets on which members of Congress are still in the land of the living
When the only reasonable explanation for their legislation is that they are no longer
While our representatives ponder the genitals between our legs
While zealots threaten women going to their gyno
While ignorants protest the too-feminine reading books to children
When anti-patriarchy is called out by legally alleged pedophiles
While rapists serve our highest offices
When that aptly fits the violations the offices now revel in
While we’re raped by the idol of justice
When we already face the plague of neglect
When our medical caretakers are suffocated by the weight of our illnesses
While our elected-by-some officials bolstered their supreme brethren
When supreme was an anthropomorphized flag celebrating white flesh
While we still misunderstand racism as prejudice and not as original national sin
When that sin works in-with systems of control for genocide
When that genocide also murders the race of poor
While a win looks like billionaires dead in deep water
When their descendants’ descendants are already set up for life/death
When fear is fanned into a pyre, the only survivors -those that fan the flames
While we look at our neighbors and try to determine which side they’re on
When the only distinction is that you’ll see it coming and they won’t
While we swim in what joy we can tap
While our heads periodically lose oxygen under the surface
The storms will get us.
When they knock out the fragile utilities
When the heat cooks taboo
When the winds trail destruction
When the sun barriers cease
When the waters’ temperatures spike
When the natural theatrics are deadly
When what is already broken, crumbles
When the plan is “Every American for themselves.”
The storms will get us.